
OSCTF 2024 web writeup



Welcome to the Secret Agents Portal. Find the flag hidden in the secrets of the Universe!!!

Author: @5h1kh4r

Web Instance:

we are presented with a page with a box to check if the flag is right or not.

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if we view the page source we will find a javascript file “script.js”.

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we open it and we get the flag!!!!

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Flag: OSCTF{Cr4zY_In5P3c71On}

Style Query Listing…?


pfft.. Listen, I’ve gained access to this login portal but I’m not able to log in. The admins are surely hiding something from the public, but… I don’t understand what. Here take the link and be quiet, don’t share it with anyone

Author: @5h1kh4r

Web instance:

we are presented with a login page, if you try to login with default credentials nothing will work, so as the name suggests its SQL injection.

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the first payload i tried is admin' or true-- - alt text

and we get an exception from the Werkzug server, the good thing about these messages is that it shows 5 lines above and bottom of the line that got the error.

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if username == 'admin':
	return redirect(url_for('admin'))

so if the user is admin in the input it will redirect the user to the admin page, which is /admin.

if we go to we will find the flag!!!

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Flag: OSCTF{D1r3ct0RY_BrU7t1nG_4nD_SQL}

Indoor WebApp


The production of this application has been completely indoor so that no corona virus spreads, but that’s an old talk right?

Author: @5h1kh4r

Web Instance:

We see the Vulnerability name in the main page, with a button to view a profile.

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the button will take us to we see a username and an email. but in the link the query parameter ?user_id=1 indicates that we can change the number to view other profiles, for sanity check i like to try 2.

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and we got the flag!!!

Flag: OSCTF{1nd00r_M4dE_n0_5enS3}

Action Notes


I have created this notes taking app so that I don’t forget what I’ve studied

Author: @5h1kh4r

Web Instance:

In the main page we can either login or register, so i register an account and login with it.

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We can add notes to our profile, but i first looked to the cookies. alt text


the session cookie looks like a JWT but if you try to decode it with you will get an error.

but we know this is a flask server because if you go to /console you will get: alt text

in HackTricks we can see there is a tool called flask-unsign, if we put the cookie in it and try to decode it we will get:

flask-unsign --decode --cookie "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InRlc3QyMTMifQ.ZpKirg.NeEcUdx51_beLfIjFVIdC60Jqj8"`

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using the tool we can try to crack the secret code using the same tool with this command:

flask-unsign --unsign --cookie "eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InRlc3QyMTMifQ.ZpKirg.NeEcUdx51_beLfIjFVIdC60Jqj8"

and we got the secret key!!!

alt text Secret Key: supersecretkey

so know we can sign our own cookies and change the username to admin.

flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'username': 'admin'}" --secret 'supersecretkey'

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and we got our new cookie, if we change it with the new one in our browser, we will see some players trolling, but if we go to /admin we will find the flag.

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We got the flag!!!

Flag: OSCTF{Av0id_S1mpl3_P4ssw0rDs}

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.